This is GREAT! I've just downloaded the trial version, and for $29 per user
it's absolutely brilliant. In terms of coding it from Access, I think the
way to do it would be to define your reports to print to this specific
printer driver. You then just need to
DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport", , , strWhereCondition
(strWhereCondition allows you to specify additional report criteria at run
time, e.g. "ClientID = " & lngClientID). There are settings that you can
change within the printer driver preferences so that it does not prompt for
a file name or location (you set a fixed location, and the file name
defaults to the name of the report that you're opening). If necessary, your
code can subsequently move or rename the file. You can also set document
security, watermarks and bookmarks and the report can even be automatically
emailed. Best of all, you can embed commands within the report to override
default settings. This is a much better option for us than our current
solution (the ACGSoft PDF and Mail library) - it doesn't depend on your
version of Access, and you don't need to purchase full Acrobat writer on
Thanks for the recommendation.