W Klofkorn
Problem: Using Powerpoint slide presentations and digital audio files
recorded during said presentations, how would one best and most easily go
about creating output that is renderable on CD-R, and usable on both Mac and
CD platforms when you can't assume the person receiving the disk has
PowerPoint on the target machine?
What we've come up with so far (there has to be a better way) is to use MS
Power Point Producer to create a narrated slide show by looking at a
videotape of the PowerPoint and manually clicking the slide changes. This we
use only to get the timings from as the output from Producer isn't
cross-platform compatible (not reliably in our experience). Then we output
the PowerPoint to Macromedia Flash and time using the timings we've scarfed
from the Producer output to time the audio track. Using this method we can
get a whole lot of (as in 30+ hours) very cross-platform compatible
presentations on a CD as long as we keep the MP3 file size down. (16, mono,
16). Output is damned near perfect for our purposes. BUT, it is way, way
time consuming. I figure it's taking at least 5 hours per 45 minute
presentation just to get the initial output into Flash. With a good 30 hours
of material to go, this is becoming nightmarish. If Producer would allow for
output to different formats we'd be in like Flint. Since it doesn't though,
we're stuck looking for a doable work-around.
Any suggestions?
-- Warren K.
"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog, it's too
dark to read."
-- Groucho Marx
Remember to remove the "NoSpam" from my return e-mail address before
recorded during said presentations, how would one best and most easily go
about creating output that is renderable on CD-R, and usable on both Mac and
CD platforms when you can't assume the person receiving the disk has
PowerPoint on the target machine?
What we've come up with so far (there has to be a better way) is to use MS
Power Point Producer to create a narrated slide show by looking at a
videotape of the PowerPoint and manually clicking the slide changes. This we
use only to get the timings from as the output from Producer isn't
cross-platform compatible (not reliably in our experience). Then we output
the PowerPoint to Macromedia Flash and time using the timings we've scarfed
from the Producer output to time the audio track. Using this method we can
get a whole lot of (as in 30+ hours) very cross-platform compatible
presentations on a CD as long as we keep the MP3 file size down. (16, mono,
16). Output is damned near perfect for our purposes. BUT, it is way, way
time consuming. I figure it's taking at least 5 hours per 45 minute
presentation just to get the initial output into Flash. With a good 30 hours
of material to go, this is becoming nightmarish. If Producer would allow for
output to different formats we'd be in like Flint. Since it doesn't though,
we're stuck looking for a doable work-around.
Any suggestions?
-- Warren K.
"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog, it's too
dark to read."
-- Groucho Marx
Remember to remove the "NoSpam" from my return e-mail address before