Thanks for the info! I would not want someone to take my open source
idea, and create a proprietary application using my idea. What type of
license will I need for that?
This is the troubling issue that I went through. I'm afraid I do not know
whoch licence (if indeed any provided by google) would suit the licencing
of "The Source" with a non-commercial clause.
I ended up opting for the MIT licence. From what I understand this lets anyone
do what they want with the Code itself as long as they maintain my copyright
on the original code.
I would have liked to have a non-commercial clause of some kind but 2 things
stopped me fom ultimately feeling as if I needed one.
1.> I was creating a project who's purpose was to aid a community in a particular
area ( VS.Net plugin development through the DXCore (by DevExpress) ) As
such I didn't think there was very mucgh chance that someone could take
what I had done and try to sell it as the potential market is simply not
that big.
2.> I was (and still am) hoping to enthuse the community to the point where
they would rather contirbute to the existing software project that rip it
off and astart a copy elsewhere.
These points may apply to you or not. I cannot tell in advance
Using google code, can other developers
check in/out their contributions?
Google code has 3 levels of membership of a project.
1.> Not a member : can read all the code and contributes comments to the wiki
2.> Member : can contribute code and edit wiki pages
3.> Administrator/Owner : can administer the project
I hope this helps