This may be a simple one but im a bit lost with it .
Basically I am trying to create 10 new records if a record
has a value of 10, 20 if it has 20 and so on. all other
field values should stay the same eg the output area that
has a percentage of 10 will be split into ten individual
records for the same output area.(Output area is a field
name) any ideas??
Hi Geoff,
In addition to Allen's sage advice,
another method uses a simple "number table"
("Iotas") in a Cartesian join with your
original table (in below example will call
it "tblCopy"), then applying a filter
to return n records for [OutputArea]=n.
{all of below was previously demonstrated
by Michel}
Step 1: Making the table Iotas:
Make a table Ds with field d, 10 records,
values for d = 0 to 9.
In a make table query,
bring Ds table 3 times so you have
In a free column type:
Iota: Ds.d + 10*Ds_1.d + 100*Ds_2
Generate the table Iotas and make Iota a primary key.
Step 2: Query to return n records if [OutputArea]=n:
So you have a table tblCopy with number field [OutputArea].
Start with a simple example to see how this works:
If tblCopy has 3 records and you bring both
tblCopy and Iotas into a SELECT query
SELECT Iotas.Iota, tblCopy.[OutputArea] From Iotas, tblCopy;
for every Iota, you'll get 3 records, i.e., # of records in tblCopy:
(If there were n records in tblCopy,
for every Iota, you'd get n records.)
Iota [OutputArea]
0 x
0 x
0 x
1 x
1 x
1 x
2 x
2 x
2 x
Iota = 3 thru 998 repeats pattern
999 x
999 x
999 x
Suppose values for [OutputArea] in tblCopy were:
Record1 1
Record2 2
Record3 3
Our full select would give us:
Iota [OutputArea]
0 1
0 2
0 3
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
Iota = 3 thru 998 repeats pattern
999 1
999 2
999 3
Now what if we filtered for [OutputArea] > Iota
(strip away every record above where [OutputArea] > Iota)
SELECT Iotas.Iota, tblCopy.[OutputArea]
From Iotas, tblCopy
WHERE (tblCopy.[OutputArea] > Iotas.Iota)
Iota [OutputArea]
0 1
0 2
0 3
1 2
1 3
2 3
or sorting by [OutputArea]:
Iota [OutputArea]
0 1
0 2
1 2
0 3
1 3
2 3
In other words, the above filter will give:
if [OutputArea]= # of copies of this record
1 1
2 2
3 3 get n records if [OutputArea]=n
and include all other fields:
From Iotas, tblCopy
WHERE (tblCopy.[OutputArea] > Iotas.Iota);
{replace "tblCopy" and "Fieldx"
with actual table name and actual
field names}
Please respond back if I have misunderstood
or was not clear about something.
Good luck,
Gary Walter