creating my own dvd movies.

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I have a community project that is going to be making a few DVD's and want
to find out how to protect them by way of copy-protect software.

does anyone know of the best software available or software that just does
the job.

has anyone used such software and found it ok, what it is. I would look it
up and try but want to find out what people have said about it first.

we shall be selling them and do not want them to be copied by someone else
and lose out.

thank you

Until recently I always used Dazzle DVD Complete. I then moved up to using the
newer Dual Layer Disks. DVD Complete does not understand Dual Layer and I
reluctantly had to find something else. I am lucky in that a friend has a
software distribution company. He often gives me the pick of the new
samples....and into the story came NERO 6. I did the free upgrade to Nero 6
Reloaded and have not looked back since....I have even got rid of Easy DVD 6 as
it does not come close to the LARGE array of abilities in that's my

You can download the latest version of nero and use it for 30 days free of
charge....has to be good!!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

I guess $495 per copy is rather a lot of money for a Community project !!
perhaps we should get Microsoft to rename this newsgroup

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I'll let AM decide which one to buy:
Nero-6 is a little cheap BUT no software protection capability.
Adobe Encore 1.5 cost $549 and I'm not sure if it can do protection.
SageKey Security Package cost $425 only and not $495 (as JK pissed me off again).

To JK: Let anybody post some more --- don't you believe the more the better? And DO NOT ATTACK ANYONE or gives any comments BUT be
silence ---how can this forum grow and reach maturity if you don't change to the better.

Now you know Software Security Protection is not that cheap.



I guess $495 per copy is rather a lot of money for a Community project !!
perhaps we should get Microsoft to rename this newsgroup

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

This forum was doing just fine prior to your arrival with your often total
misinterpretation of the OP's needs and badly worded English replies...even the
person papajohn has had to correct you publicly at least once...WHEN WILL YOU

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work