Creating multi-page dynamic page in ASP.NET


Vadim Vulfov

I have the single page that I would like to show multiple
times in one aspx file continuously with different parameters in

So, I was planning to go through the loop and pick up the parameters
from the variables and create the querystring
and execute using Server.Execute.

For Example:

for i = 1 to 10
Server.Execute "MyPage.aspx?STUFF=" & cstr(i) & ""

I have run it and got all ten pages one over another and not continuous
like I wanted. The problem maybe that most controls on the MyPage.aspx
have absolute positioning.

Any advise, please

Kevin Spencer

Hi Vadim,

Server.Execute transfers control to the page specified, so if you execute 10
pages in a row, that's what will happen. 10 pages will execute as a single
page, in sequence.

Now, in order to answer your question, I need you to specify exactly what
you want to do. You say you want to execute 10 pages in sequence, and if you
use Response.Redirect, passing an incrementing value by reading a number
from the QueryString in each Page_Load, you will indeed "run" 10 pages in
sequence, continuously. However, the end user will only see the last one
loaded. If you want the user to see any of them, you will need to use the
client to load the page and then load it again after some interval or
interaction from the user.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.

souri challa


It seems to me that you want to concatenate the out put several
pages onto one container page. "Several pages" in this context being
the same page with a different query string parameter right ?

If this is the case you could use class from your
container page to request the pages behind the screens and concatenate
the response stream.

A better design may be to convert 'mypage.aspx' to a user control and
load it multiple times on the container page, while setting the
appropriate properties.

Let me know if this helps your case.

Vadim Vulfov

Actually, I need to load all of them into one aspx page
one after another.


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