Creating Forms from Update Queries

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I ma not sure where this was originally posted but this seems like the
appropriate forum. I know that froms can easily be created from 'select'

Can they be created from update queries? If so, how?

I am stumped - not being able to select any update type queries from scratch
and then not seeing them as options to change the control source.

Any help is appreciated.

Hello Graham-

Thanks for the more than prompt response (and overlooking my horrendous

Here's what I am trying to do. I actually have two separate applications
(one which uses forms in the context of a switchboard environment) where I
want to make the user interface as friendly (ie, non-access-like) as

I am looking to use a form for the interface where the changes to input data
can be made in a form and a control button on the form can execute the update
query. Does my objectives make sense?
Once again thanks for your prompt response and I hope the additional
information helps your analysis.


Steve Belville
I ma not sure where this was originally posted but this seems like the
appropriate forum. I know that froms can easily be created from 'select'

Can they be created from update queries? If so, how?

I am stumped - not being able to select any update type queries from scratch
and then not seeing them as options to change the control source.

A Select Query is a source of data which can be viewed, edited,
reported, used in Joins to create new queries. So you can base a Form
on a Select query and use that form to edit the data in the tables
which make up the query.

An Update query is an *action* query. It is not a source of data; it
cannot be used as the recordsource of anything because it doesn't
"contain" data - it DOES something, changing the values in a table.

Are you attempting to execute your choice of several update queries,
selecting them from a list on a Form? You can do so using VBA code;
but I'm not sure why you would want to! Please explain.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Join the online Access Chats
Tuesday 11am EDT - Thursday 3:30pm EDT

Firstly, why would you not want to use a "non-Access-like" user interface?
Access forms and controls look, feel and work just like Windows ones - as a
user, you can't pick the difference! It's just inexperienced developers who
make the thing look like a MalevikAs painting!

John Vinson has explained the difference between the different types of
query, so there's no need to further explain that.

If you want to use a form, just create one, basing it on the query of your
1. From the Database Window, select the [Forms] tab.
2. Click [New]. The [New Form] dialog is displayed.
4. If you want Access to build the form for you, click [Form Wizard], or any
of the [Auto Form:.....] options. If you want to design it yourself, click
[Design View].
5. From the [Choose a table or query.....] drop-down, select the query you
want to base your form on.
6. Click [OK].

In this case, there's no need to have a button to commit the changes you
make on the form, the changes will be automatically updated when you move
from one record to the next, or when you close the form.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
Once again, my humble appreciation for both of your replies, Graham and John.

The one particular application where I 'd like to incoporate some sort of
form and an update query is in the switchboard environment. Your point is
well taken, John that I can incorporate VBA. I guess I am being lazy. Here is
more detail on this particular instance:

I have a real simple Product Distibutor inventory application, where several
items are received under an order number, added to inventory and then shipped
out together as one order. There may be certain line items on the order that
are exceptions. My thoughts were to incorporate an update query to zero out
the inventory when shipped with the execution of the update triggered by a
control button in the form. The form concept then can also be incorporated
into the switchboard menu environment.

Quite frankly, I am a neophite developer, trying to stay away from it if
possible. And Graham, as you say, this project is exhibiting all the signs of
a bad abstract painting!

Thanks again, gentleman.
There may be certain line items on the order that
are exceptions. My thoughts were to incorporate an update query to zero out
the inventory when shipped with the execution of the update triggered by a
control button in the form. The form concept then can also be incorporated
into the switchboard menu environment.

Just put a button on the Switchboard form, and use it to execute the
action query. The Command Button Wizard offers this as one of the
options for a new button.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Join the online Access Chats
Tuesday 11am EDT - Thursday 3:30pm EDT
John, what a simple, elegant solution!

Once again, thanks and I'll give you some feedback on the results when I
implement it.


Steve Belville
Bryant & Stratton College
Milwaukee WI