Creating folders with VB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Foss
  • Start date Start date


Mornin' all!

I've got the following code:

Dim WebName As String, SaveFolder As String
SaveFolder = "\\web1a\PIBReports\BCA\" & WebName & "\"
WebName = ReplaceChars(ActiveDocument.Name, " ", "_")
CreatePDF SaveFolder, WebName & ".pdf"
CreatePDF SaveFolder, WebName & "_" & ReplaceChars(Left
(Now, 10), "/", "-") & ".pdf"

What I want, is that if the SaveFolder path doesn't exist,
for the script to create all the folders that don't exist.

The problem is, I don't know how!

Please help!

Hi Foss

In its simplest form:

Sub test()
On Error Resume Next
MkDir ("C:\Temp\Automade")
End Sub

If the folder exists already, it errs, which the On Error statement takes
care of. But it needs C:\Temp to exist, it can do only one level.
Thanks very much Harald, that'll do nicely!
-----Original Message-----
Hi Foss

In its simplest form:

Sub test()
On Error Resume Next
MkDir ("C:\Temp\Automade")
End Sub

If the folder exists already, it errs, which the On Error statement takes
care of. But it needs C:\Temp to exist, it can do only one level.

HTH. Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please

"Foss" <[email protected]> skrev i melding
