Creating EXE with online updating?

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I'd like to create an EXE that also takes advantage of background online
updating or allows the user to update manually. Similar to MS Money. The
EXE will utilize VB. Is smart client the way to go with this?

I don't need any low level programming. Is VB best for this situation (I am
more familiar with VB than other .NET languages).
It seems there are a few issues with this but I believe it is a feasible
solution. Is there a way to update "data"? It seems the updater refers to
application files only.

With MS Money, when I update data from my banks, the update (connecting...)
box remains open during the update. At that point, I can't use Money. Why
is that? Has some one set a model that keeps the update box in focus? Is
the current Money updating technique multi threaded?

How could MS Money be programmed to update in the background?


Girish Bharadwaj said:
[Updater Application block does exactly this]
2. [Shows one more way
of doing the same]

If you like semi-colons at the end of your sentence, use C#, otherwise you
can use anything else. :) I mean, VB would be just fine. You might have to
undestand some of the things in C# and convert them over to VB though.

Girish Bharadwaj
Brett said:
I'd like to create an EXE that also takes advantage of background online
updating or allows the user to update manually. Similar to MS Money. The
EXE will utilize VB. Is smart client the way to go with this?

I don't need any low level programming. Is VB best for this situation (I am
more familiar with VB than other .NET languages).