Creating downloadable files on a web page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick Kilton
  • Start date Start date

Rick Kilton

Can I put a power point file on my web page that is
downloadable by viewers? How? Can't find instructions, if
you know of any, please point me there. Thanks,
Just import the .ppt into your current open FP web, then create a link to
it. The user will need to have PP or the PP Viewer.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.
I've done this in Power Point. Perform a file save as HTML
and the wizard will take you through the process. Once
you get it the way you want, 3/4 page, then move it to the
production server and point to it. This way the user
doesn't need PPT loaded in order to view the slides.