How would I take this class and build a DLL from it?
Class PrClass
Public aPrNummer As Integer
Public aPrBarcode As String
Public aPrPma As Integer
Public aPrVaMaNr As Integer
Public aPrToMaNr As Integer
Sub New(ByVal Prnummer As Integer, ByVal PrBarcode As String, ByVal PrPma As
Integer, _
ByVal PrVaMaNr As Integer, ByVal PrToMaNr As Integer)
aPrNummer = Prnummer
aPrBarcode = PrBarcode
aPrPma = PrPma
aPrVaMaNr = PrVaMaNr
aPrToMaNr = PrToMaNr
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return CStr(aPrNummer) + _
";" + aPrBarcode + _
";" + CStr(aPrPma) + _
";" + CStr(aPrVaMaNr) + _
";" + CStr(aPrToMaNr) + _
End Function
How would I take this class and build a DLL from it?
Class PrClass
Public aPrNummer As Integer
Public aPrBarcode As String
Public aPrPma As Integer
Public aPrVaMaNr As Integer
Public aPrToMaNr As Integer
Sub New(ByVal Prnummer As Integer, ByVal PrBarcode As String, ByVal PrPma As
Integer, _
ByVal PrVaMaNr As Integer, ByVal PrToMaNr As Integer)
aPrNummer = Prnummer
aPrBarcode = PrBarcode
aPrPma = PrPma
aPrVaMaNr = PrVaMaNr
aPrToMaNr = PrToMaNr
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return CStr(aPrNummer) + _
";" + aPrBarcode + _
";" + CStr(aPrPma) + _
";" + CStr(aPrVaMaNr) + _
";" + CStr(aPrToMaNr) + _
End Function