I would like to use a datatable to insert new records into a SQL Server database. I would like to create a datatable
that is the same structure as my SQL Server table. Since I am inserting new records into SQL Server I will not be doing
a select to retreive records into my datatable. Is there a way to retrieve the structure of my SQL Server table so tha
I can create an empty datatable? I can then insert my new records into this empty structure, without having to creat
the datatable manually. After populating the datatable I can use the update method to insert the new records into
SQL Server.
that is the same structure as my SQL Server table. Since I am inserting new records into SQL Server I will not be doing
a select to retreive records into my datatable. Is there a way to retrieve the structure of my SQL Server table so tha
I can create an empty datatable? I can then insert my new records into this empty structure, without having to creat
the datatable manually. After populating the datatable I can use the update method to insert the new records into
SQL Server.