Pardon Noob questions...
Why would somebody create a component using vs.net 2.0 and C# ? To use
it from non .net solutions or unmanged code?
dumb question, I'm finding these instructions for compiling c# into a
component dll from the command line..
csc /r: REFRENCE DLL /t library /out DLLNAME.DLL Program name.cs
How, does one do this from Visual studio 2005 and C# 2.0 ?
Why would somebody create a component using vs.net 2.0 and C# ? To use
it from non .net solutions or unmanged code?
dumb question, I'm finding these instructions for compiling c# into a
component dll from the command line..
csc /r: REFRENCE DLL /t library /out DLLNAME.DLL Program name.cs
How, does one do this from Visual studio 2005 and C# 2.0 ?