Susan Bugher said:
re: dbEdit - this is how I do it
- copy the tabular data to the clipboard
- open dbEdit
- then from the drop down file menu select: open from clipboard
- save the results as a .csv file
That's how I do it, too. Once I finally realized it could be done.
dbEdit has some size limitations - it doesn't sound as if that would be
a problem in this case . . .
Yes, send it too large a file, and it hangs, hidden, so you have to get out
a procman to kill it. I nevertheless keep it as my preferred default .CSV
viewer. Then when I have a large file, or have some involved processing to
do on the file, I send that to CSVdb.
In CSVdb, I open the file, which sometimes it might initially display funky,
depending on what type of settings were activated during my previous launch.
Then on the "Modify" options tab at the bottom of the screen, where it says
"set separator," I choose "tab." Last, I go to the File Menu, and choose
"Refresh File." This lets me view and work with it in tab-separted form.
To save it as csv at this point, I again use the "Modify" options tab, and
the "set separator" checkbox, changing that choice to "comma." Then the
Save/Save As dialog honors that choice when doing the save.
The preferred method could be using the "Import" routine in CSVdb, on its
File menu. The first screen, you choose the file to import, together with
the filename you want for export (the export filename can be the same or
different). Hmmmmmmm. I swear I've used it successfully in the past...
Yet trying now, there's something I'm overlooking, something CSVdb (v4.41)
doesn't like about my test files, or something other, don't know what...