Creating auto Updating Pivot Table linked to external data.



Hi All,

I want to be able to have an excel pivot table that automatically updates
with data once a week after our invoice run. Our invoicing run, runs from
Sunday to Saturday and but i only require a week ending figure on the
Saturday. I can do this at the momment by impoting my csv file into my excel
spread sheet manually and manually change the date field in my file to get my
pivot table to recognise the dates as auctual dates so that i can the groups
them by week ending in the pivot table. Hope that makes sense.

I have also tried just linking a pivot table to external data using ms query
which again works but also the data in ms query lookes like it has imported
as dates when i try to group my pivot table via w/e dates it says can't group
that selection.

So to summaries does any one know how to get datas into excel via external
data as a pivot table so you can group the date field.

Many thanks for any help. Regards

Jim Thomlinson

The issue that you are running into is that the data in your database is not
being stored as a date but rather it is being stored as a text string or
number. What you want to do is to coerce the value to a date. How you go
about doing that depends on the type of database you are using. If there is
someone where you works who uses that database and knows a bit of SQL they
could probably help you fix up your query to return actual dates. As for the
automatic refresh I would be more inclined to just refresh it manually. If
you are hooked directly to the database it is just a matter of hitting

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