Greetings. I am creating a web site which will contain lot of articles. I
had been planning to create simple HTML page on the server everytime i
posted a article (eg. article12.html ). Now, i want to show an advertisement
on top of each of this html page. the ad banner has to be dynamically
updated depending on date (period) the advertiser has planned to advertise
for. So I thought of creating ASPx pages instead.
Is it a good idea? I want my website to be very search engine friendly.
thoughts please. thank you!
Greetings. I am creating a web site which will contain lot of articles. I
had been planning to create simple HTML page on the server everytime i
posted a article (eg. article12.html ). Now, i want to show an advertisement
on top of each of this html page. the ad banner has to be dynamically
updated depending on date (period) the advertiser has planned to advertise
for. So I thought of creating ASPx pages instead.
Is it a good idea? I want my website to be very search engine friendly.
thoughts please. thank you!