John Pouliezos
Hi... any ideas on how to get a grip on the winforms control used by the
..net to show the details of an exception ?
..net to show the details of an exception ?
Hi... any ideas on how to get a grip on the winforms control used by the
.net to show the details of an exception ?
Hi... any ideas on how to get a grip on the winforms control used by the
.net to show the details of an exception ?
As Oliver said in his post, I don't think there is one, but as he also
said you
can build one. All it has to have is a read only multi line text box...
Hello Otis,
Mine is actually quite a lot more complex - it can display an exception
with nested InnerExceptions and it uses Reflection to analyze the
exception class for additional properties, which it also tries to display
as well as it can. To visualize all this information, it has a
"multi-level" dialog with a default page for the average end user and
several technical detail pages that can be activated, for example if a
support engineer instructs the end user to do so. And yes, copying and
pasting is also important - if I remember correctly, I used serialization
to convert the exception, again with all nested information, into an XML
string that can be copied to the clipboard.
I'm sorry, I can't give any of this away... just as a summary of some
ideas. If you (or anyone) want specific help with a certain piece of
functionality I mentioned, feel free to get back to me about it.
Oliver Sturm