How to do this in C#? I tried
Form[] frm;
frm = new Formp[] {Form1, Form2}
Hi Rich,
Why not use the existing FormCollection of the Application object :
Every form created during the application lifetime will be there (once
it has been 'Shown or its .Visible property set to to 'true), even if
the form later has :
..Visible = false;
..Enabled = false;
The only way it will be removed from this FormCollection at runtime is
when the user closes the form at, or when you call 'Close on it at run-
time, or when you call 'Dispose on it at runtime.
If you are wanting to build a list of only certain types of Forms, you
can always parse this list and check the type using 'getType, or
beginning with FrameWork 3.5 you can use 'ofType<Type> which returns
an IEnumerble.
Example : you wish your current list of all forms of type Form2 to be
updated :
IEnumerable<Form2> myForm2List =
If you wish to iterate over it :
foreach (Form2 myTargetForm2 in myForm2List)
Console.WriteLine("instance of form 2 found : Text = "
+ myTargetForm2 .Text);
Of course you could write a handler for the Close event of your
special types of Form that would remove them from this list.
To do that you need to convert the IEnumerable to a List<Type> :
List<Form2> theALForm2 = myForm2List.ToList<Form2>();
Note : I do not claim any great expertise in this area, and I hope
we'll see a post on this topic that can enlighten us both with a
better way
best, Bill