Creating a tutorial

  • Thread starter Thread starter MySelf
  • Start date Start date



I work in C-Sharp on a winform application.

I am creating a tutorial for using some kind of reader. So when the
user click on a button, I first display a small winform A to show text
information. When the user click "Next", I close this window and
display a big one (B) which will show pictures and explanation of
several steps of reader handling (with Next button to change step).
Here is the code I use (when user click "Launch tutorial" button:

// Launch tutorial to explain how to use reader
var wstutorial = new ReaderTutorialWelcomeScreen();
var dr = wstutorial.ShowDialog();

if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
var readerTutorial = new ReaderTutorial();
dr= readerTutorial.ShowDialog();

wstutorial is window A and readerTutorial is window B.

But now, I'm being asked that when window B show step 1 of
explanations, and if user click Previous button, window B close and
window A show again.

Is there a simple method to change my tutorial so this behaviour can be
implemented ?

Thank you for any help.
// Launch tutorial to explain how to use reader
var wstutorial = new ReaderTutorialWelcomeScreen();
var dr = wstutorial.ShowDialog();

if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
var readerTutorial = new ReaderTutorial();
dr= readerTutorial.ShowDialog();

wstutorial.ShowDialog() return DialogResult.OK when user click on Next