Eileen Pick said:
1. I tried to a compete backup for recovery purposes and
found that I have run out of discs. (I have 9 and all are
now full).
Question: I stopped the process and now want to restart.
Will the backup carry on from where it left off or will it
start over. If it starts over again, will disc be
overwritten by new attemp OR will it carry on from where
it left off? >Thanks
Eileen, I too wanted to back up. i am talking a complete back-up,
and not just documents & stuff. I've been through what you are going
through. So I'll clue you in.
I wanted a complete back-up of everything, including the operating
system, so I wouldn't have to re-install everything if I had a hard
drive crash.
If this is what you want to do, and not simply save documents and
stuff, you will have to buy "imaging" software. I bought Norton's
(Symantec) "Ghost" program. My system was young then & not too
cluttered, and I could save to a DVD, not CDs (DVDs hold something
like 7 times more data than CDs.
Since then I have collected al kinds of stuff. Movies, pictures, etc.
This takes up a lot of space. Even backing up to DVDs would be a
hassle. So I just bit the bullet and bought an external Hard drive
that plugs into a USB 2 port. I think you might be able to find an 80
gig one for around $90 (just guessing). I found one on sale and with
a $50 rebate, so I paid $150 for a 160 gigger. (same size as my hard
drive in the computer). They should be plug and play with XP. Mine
is. I just plugged it into a USB 2 port, and my computer recognized it
and assigned a drive letter to it. Just unplug it after you are
finished and the assigned letter & drive go away.. I even leave mine
plugged in (USB), having the power cord plugged into an on-off switch
thingy (switched off of course), and the computer doesn't see it.
Hope that helps.
Big Mac