Creating a subset table/view

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sabine
  • Start date Start date


How can I crate a subset table or view from a table? I
only want certain columns and all the rows? I do NOT want
to loop through the rows and add those to my new table or
view. I just want to specify a couple of columns and
retrieve a subset table or view. Someone has an idea?


Hi Sabine,

The following code should accomplish creating a subset table that has 2 columns out of 11 and all the rows:

Dim da1 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Customers", cn)
da1.Fill(ds, "customers")

Dim dtSubset As DataTable
dtSubset = ds.Tables("Customers").Copy 'Copy all the rows and columns
Dim count As Integer = dtSubset.Columns.Count
Dim i As Integer
For i = count To 3 Step -1
Dim dc As DataColumn = dtSubset.Columns(i - 1)
dtSubset.Columns.Remove(dc) 'Delete all the columns except the first 2 columns
Next i
DataGrid1.DataSource = dtSubset

The Remove method has an oveload that accepts a Column Name as an argument so you may specify a column name instead of a DataColumn object.

I hope this helps!

Hussein Abuthuraya
Microsoft Developer Support

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