Hello Alex,
As for right-to-left/RTL text, they're mostly used in some middle-east
languages and dealing with these text in globalization development is
normally calld "BIDI" text processing.
Based on my experience, for web application, BIDI text displaying is mainly
supported through some HTML/XHTML standards setting, such as the "dir"
attributes. e.g.
<span dir="rtl" > ................</span>
You can find most information about BIDI text processing in the following
I18N portal site:
#Bidirectional text
In Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, you can create ASP.NET applications by
using either Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft Visual C# .NET. The
guidelines that you should follow are basically the same as those you have
just seen for mirroring Web content. When you design Arabic Web Forms
pages, the best way to make text flow from right to left is to use the DIR
attribute. As with Web content, this attribute is usually placed in the
<HTML> tag or the <BODY> tag. Controls and HTML elements on the page then
inherit the specified direction.
You can set the DIR attribute at a DOCUMENT object level. All the controls
on the form will inherit the same settings. However, the DIR attribute can
be used individually with other tags such as <TABLE> and in Web Forms
controls, as in the following example, which allows items to be displayed
from right to left. e.g.
<TABLE dir="rtl" ...>
<asp:TextBox dir="rtl" ...>
In addition, here are some other resource about developing BIDI text awared
application(desktop and web):
**some slides from some MS localization engineers:
**public reference on developing middleeast specific software:
** A good globaldev book:
"Developing International Software / Dr. International-- 2nd ed" (there is
a chapter there about bidi in asp.net)
Hope this helps.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead
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