Start with a correctly structured database.
Have one table called TblDates. It will have DateID BookDate
Have another table called TblTimeIn with TimeInID and TimeIn. (the ID fields
are autonumbers)
In this latter field you type all the appointments that you want during any
day ie
You will have TblCustomer with CustID and then the Customer's details
Now you need TblBooking which has
BookingID, CustID, DateID, TimeInID and any other fields that refer only to
that booking.
Don't enforce referential integrity for the customer table and join TblDate
to TblBooking with a join that includes all the records from TblDate
Have a main form based on TblDate. (You can add all the dates for 1 year to
the tables with code which I can write if you want).
The sub form is based on TblBooking with a combo box to let you put in the
Add a command button to the main form and have this code to enter all the
TimeIns to that day.
Private Sub cmbAddTimeSlots_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmbAddTimeSlots_Click
Dim MySql As String
MySql = MySql & " SELECT TblTimeIn.TimeInID," & Me.DateID
MySql = MySql & " FROM TblTimeIn;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL MySql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmbAddTimeSlots_Click
End Sub
Clients can be added to the form next to the appropriate time slot.
I used a Calendar control to let me turn to the correct page.
Now for the report.
Make a query, QryBooking which has all the fields from TblBooking. From
TblDate add BookDate. From TblTimeIn add TimeIn. (note that TblCustomer
isn't added yet)
Now create a second query. Add to it your query, QryBooking and TblCustomer
Join TblCustomer to QryBooking by CustID.
Double click the join line. Choose the option that 'Includes All the fields
from QryBooking'.
Base your report on this query.
Add to it, the query