Dominique Schwartz
I am attempting to create a report using a query, now this
report has to contain specific information, ie counts of
clients for various criteria. I've tried creating a custom
report and then defining the source as the query and using
=DCount("field","table","criteria") but when I run it I
get #Error appearing in the text box for the field I'm
trying to run the count for.
For example, I try to use =DCount
("Address","qryDomesticViolence","Address=urban") to get
the number of clients that are from an urban address, and
all I get is the #Error comming up in the report. I am
nearing the end of my rope and Need Help bad!
Thanks for your assistance!
report has to contain specific information, ie counts of
clients for various criteria. I've tried creating a custom
report and then defining the source as the query and using
=DCount("field","table","criteria") but when I run it I
get #Error appearing in the text box for the field I'm
trying to run the count for.
For example, I try to use =DCount
("Address","qryDomesticViolence","Address=urban") to get
the number of clients that are from an urban address, and
all I get is the #Error comming up in the report. I am
nearing the end of my rope and Need Help bad!
Thanks for your assistance!