The basic structure would be something like this:
Question table: one record for each question.
QuestionID Number primary key.
QuestionText Text what the question says.
Answer table: one record for each possible answer.
QuestionID Number foreign key to Question.QuestionID
AnswerCode Text a for first, b for 2nd, etc.
AnswerText Text what this answer says.
AnswerValue Number 0 for wrong answer, 1 for right answer.
Primary key could be QuestionID + AnswerCode.
Then, if you want to record what answers people actually gave, you would
Client table: one record for each person who takes the quiz.
ClientID AutoNumber primary key
ClientAnswer table: one record for each answer given by each person.
ClientID Number foreign key to Client.ClientID
QuestionID Number foreign key to Answer.QuestionID
AnswerCode Text foreign key to Answer.AnswerCode.
You could make the combination of ClientID + QuestionID unique (e.g. primary
key), and the relationship to the Answer table based on QuestionID +