Thanks a lot.
But, using this I'm getting extra rows.
SELECT Table1.Day, Table1.[Product Code],
Table1.Component, Table1.Qty, Table2.Qty, Table3Qty
FROM (Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.Component =
Table2.Component) AND (Table1.[Product Code] = Table2.
[Product Code])) LEFT JOIN Table3 ON (Table1.Component =
Table3.Component) AND (Table1.[Product Code] = Table3.
[Product Code])
WHERE (Table1.Day)>=#5/1/2004# And (Table1.Day)
<=#5/31/2004#;Subject: Re: creating a query
Then use those two fields. A link can consist of one to
ten fields.
From: "[MVP] S.Clark" <[email protected]>
Sent: 6/4/2004 2:50:21 PM
Add all 3 tables to the query.
Link 1 and 2 with a Left Outer Join
Link 1 and 3 with a Left Outer Join
Create the expression:
MyCalc: Table1.Qty - nz(Table2.Qty,0) - nz(Table3.Qty,0)
Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
But, using this I'm getting extra rows.
SELECT Table1.Day, Table1.[Product Code],
Table1.Component, Table1.Qty, Table2.Qty, Table3Qty
FROM (Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.Component =
Table2.Component) AND (Table1.[Product Code] = Table2.
[Product Code])) LEFT JOIN Table3 ON (Table1.Component =
Table3.Component) AND (Table1.[Product Code] = Table3.
[Product Code])
WHERE (Table1.Day)>=#5/1/2004# And (Table1.Day)
<=#5/31/2004#;Subject: Re: creating a query
Thanks a lot.
Could you please advise what a feild should be used for
the link?
The Qty should be calculated (deducted) for the same
Product and Component#.
Then use those two fields. A link can consist of one to
ten fields.
From: "[MVP] S.Clark" <[email protected]>
Sent: 6/4/2004 2:50:21 PM
Add all 3 tables to the query.
Link 1 and 2 with a Left Outer Join
Link 1 and 3 with a Left Outer Join
Create the expression:
MyCalc: Table1.Qty - nz(Table2.Qty,0) - nz(Table3.Qty,0)
Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group