creating a program to rename a group of files in a folder


Erik Foreman

I am using a folderbrowserdialog object to prowse to a folder then once
in that folder I am going to have my program rename all of the files in
that folder. I know the rename funchtion but I am not sure how to get
the program to loop through each file in the folder so they all get
renamed in a certian sequence. can someone help me?

Joseph Bittman MCAD

June 16, 2005

To loop through files one by one:

dim infoDir as new io.directoryinfo(filepath)
dim infoFile as fileinfo
dim i as integer ' used as a counter for how many files iterated

for each infoFile in infoDir.GetFiles ' Loops through each file info in

' Rename here
i += 1

You could use something like this to loop through the files. I hope this
helps and have a great day!
Joseph Bittman
Microsoft Certified Application Developer

Web Site:
Dynamic IP -- Check here for future changes

Erik Foreman

Joseph Bittman MCAD I must say thank you. That was great. Everything I
needed. I hope to some day be MCAD as well.

as far as the other reply asking what is the rename function it is

rename(oldname, newname)

be aware you may need to have the path in along with the file name.

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