Creating a plugin configuration architecture


Jens Weiermann


I want to create something like a "plugin" like architecture for my
application. My question regards the configuration of these plugins - I
want all to be done in an xml file (optimally the app.config file). It
should look like this:

<trigger name="Timer1" type="Sensaction.TimerTrigger, Sensaction"
<trigger name="FileSystemWatcher1"
type="Sensaction.FileSystemWatcherTrigger, Sensaction" baseDir="C:\Temp"/>
<trigger name="EventLogWatcher1" type="Sensaction.EventLogTrigger,
Sensaction" source="System"/>


That is, it can have any number of triggers of classes only available at
runtime. The properties of these objects are to be set by attributes of the
xml nodes.

I need my app to instantiate each of the triggers and set it's properties.

Of course, I don't want to re-invent the wheel and use as much of the
standard configuration functions as possible. However, having an unknown
number of elements doesn't seem to be covered by the framework.

I would appreciate any starters you can give me...


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