I created a database that lists all my CDs. I have a report that prints
the Artist Name, CD Title, Track Number, and Track Title. I have it so it
sorts them by Artist name, then by CD Title. What I would like to do is have
it print a sequntial number in front of each CD. But I don't want to have
this number be a static number for that CD. What I would like to happen is
if for example I had 2 CDs in the database it would print someting like:
CD # 01 Big Ones
Tracks here
Bon Jovi
CD # 02 Slippry WHen Wet
Tracks here
Then if I would ad a CD to the list, and it would go between them, the new
report would look something like this:
CD # 01 Big ones
Tracks Here
CD # 02 Greatest Hits
Tracks Here
Bon Jovi
CD # 03 Slippry When Wet
Tracks Here
If anyone can give me any suggestions on how to do this in a report that
would be great.
Mike W.
I created a database that lists all my CDs. I have a report that prints
the Artist Name, CD Title, Track Number, and Track Title. I have it so it
sorts them by Artist name, then by CD Title. What I would like to do is have
it print a sequntial number in front of each CD. But I don't want to have
this number be a static number for that CD. What I would like to happen is
if for example I had 2 CDs in the database it would print someting like:
CD # 01 Big Ones
Tracks here
Bon Jovi
CD # 02 Slippry WHen Wet
Tracks here
Then if I would ad a CD to the list, and it would go between them, the new
report would look something like this:
CD # 01 Big ones
Tracks Here
CD # 02 Greatest Hits
Tracks Here
Bon Jovi
CD # 03 Slippry When Wet
Tracks Here
If anyone can give me any suggestions on how to do this in a report that
would be great.
Mike W.