Creating a New Folder in Outlook 2003 questions


M. B.

I would like to create a new folder called JULIA, and I would like any email
sent to her email address ([email protected]) be placed automatically there
and not in the general Inbox.

1) How can I create the JULIA folder "outside" of Inbox? or any newly
created folders for incoming mail are sub-tree'ed from within Inbox.

2) How do I setup my Outlook 2003 that if it downloads any email for
(e-mail address removed) will automatically go there and not the general Inbox.

3) How can I also setup an additional folders Julia Sent and Julia Deleted
to keep track for any emails that were sent or deleted for that particular
account only.

Many thanks for your help to this newbie!


answer for question 1
there are actually two options:

1) right click on the root of your Outlook mailbox when
it's open in Folder List view and click on "New Folder".
then you can specify what type of contents you want to go
in that folder, such as mail items, contact itmes, etc,

2) do you know what .pst's are? they could be your
solution for creating customizable folders in Outlook
outside of your server mailbox's expanded tree listing.

..pst's are files that are created and stay on your local
hard drive so the mail is then retained there on your
machine as opposed to the server in an Exchange Server or
IMAP environment. to add one in 2003, with outlook open,
click on:

Tools>Options>Mail Setup [tab]>Data Files [button]>Add

answer for question 2
what you're talking about here with delivering to an
alternate location is an easy set up. it still involves
the .pst idea from above though.

again, click on Tools from the OL interface and then
click on Email Options. click Next when the next screen
comes up, there should be a "deliver email to the
following location field". once u have done the steps in
the answer to the question i gave above, drop this list
down and select the .pst file that you created. once you
do this, close out of outlook and reopen it, hit your
send and recieve button and you'll see all of you mail
disappear out of your inbox on the mail server and it'll
be pushed down your .pst.

answer to question 3:
it's really the same as in question 1. once you get
the .pst set up, just right click on the root of
your .pst and click New > Folder. Specify what type of
Outlook objects you want that folder to contain and then
click ok...

Robert Crayk MVP

As I understand it the poster wants just selective mail to go to the folder
"Julia" and if you set an alternate location for delivery then "ALL items"
will get delivered to this alternative location. The only way to achieve
this is to use the Rules Wizard but mail will still get into the Inbox
however briefly because Rules only work on the Inbox.
answer for question 1
there are actually two options:

1) right click on the root of your Outlook mailbox when
it's open in Folder List view and click on "New Folder".
then you can specify what type of contents you want to go
in that folder, such as mail items, contact itmes, etc,

2) do you know what .pst's are? they could be your
solution for creating customizable folders in Outlook
outside of your server mailbox's expanded tree listing.

.pst's are files that are created and stay on your local
hard drive so the mail is then retained there on your
machine as opposed to the server in an Exchange Server or
IMAP environment. to add one in 2003, with outlook open,
click on:

Tools>Options>Mail Setup [tab]>Data Files [button]>Add

answer for question 2
what you're talking about here with delivering to an
alternate location is an easy set up. it still involves
the .pst idea from above though.

again, click on Tools from the OL interface and then
click on Email Options. click Next when the next screen
comes up, there should be a "deliver email to the
following location field". once u have done the steps in
the answer to the question i gave above, drop this list
down and select the .pst file that you created. once you
do this, close out of outlook and reopen it, hit your
send and recieve button and you'll see all of you mail
disappear out of your inbox on the mail server and it'll
be pushed down your .pst.

answer to question 3:
it's really the same as in question 1. once you get
the .pst set up, just right click on the root of
your .pst and click New > Folder. Specify what type of
Outlook objects you want that folder to contain and then
click ok...

-----Original Message-----
I would like to create a new folder called JULIA, and I would like any email
sent to her email address ([email protected]) be placed automatically there
and not in the general Inbox.

1) How can I create the JULIA folder "outside" of Inbox? or any newly
created folders for incoming mail are sub-tree'ed from within Inbox.

2) How do I setup my Outlook 2003 that if it downloads any email for
(e-mail address removed) will automatically go there and not the general Inbox.

3) How can I also setup an additional folders Julia Sent and Julia Deleted
to keep track for any emails that were sent or deleted for that particular
account only.

Many thanks for your help to this newbie!


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