my application was created in vb.net, vs 2003. the setup project was also
created in vs 2003. one of my application reviewers reported this:
The .Net link that is included in the setup is not the correct link, it's
outdated. The link should be changed from this
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/netdevframework.asp to the new link, which
is this:
since i put neither of these links into my setup. i assume it is something
generated automatically by the visual studio 2003 setup project. i am
guessing it comes into play when someone does not have .net installed.
anyone know how i might update this link in my setup project?
created in vs 2003. one of my application reviewers reported this:
The .Net link that is included in the setup is not the correct link, it's
outdated. The link should be changed from this
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/netdevframework.asp to the new link, which
is this:
since i put neither of these links into my setup. i assume it is something
generated automatically by the visual studio 2003 setup project. i am
guessing it comes into play when someone does not have .net installed.
anyone know how i might update this link in my setup project?