Creating a form that sends a basic email

  • Thread starter Thread starter jg_creditplus
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I'm creating a form that will have three visible elements:
-an "email" field
- a "password" field
- a "submit" button
(plus a couple labels)

The user will fill in the email and password fields, click submit, and
then the form should create an email with subject "your new password
is" and message body "your password is [whatever]" and send it. The
recepient will not nessassarily be using outlook; he may have another
email program or even webmail, so the emaiI sent should be basic plain
text, if possible

So I created a form and put the elements on it, but now what?

Thanks in advance, John
Details are going to depend on whether the "fields" are actual Outlook properties or unbound controls. In the Click event handler for the button, use Application.CreateItem to create the message. See for details on getting the data from the fields/controls.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers