Creating a form in 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lynn
  • Start date Start date


Hello All
I work in an office that uses Outlook 2003 with exchange. I want to create
an outlook form using label filed and a text input field. I created the
form and it looks ok. I saved it both as a .msg and oft file. I even
published it in my own personal library. I then go to new, choose form and
select it from my library and fill out the text input field and then hit
send. It sends the e-mail however the information is not there at all. Same
thing happens when I use the msg message and the oft message. How do I go
about seeing the information? Does something need to be done on the server
side? I eventually want to publish it to the entire company

Thank for the Help
I want to create
an outlook form using label filed and a text input field. I created the
form and it looks ok.
Your Input field must be bound to an Outlook property before it will be
saved when it is sent. There are about 6 pre-defined but unused properties
in a standard Outlook item. You can bind your field to one of those; or
bind to a User-Defined property that you create.

See the following page for details:
Syntax for Microsoft Outlook property and control values and events
6/5/2007 - 12 KB

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