Creating a custom post form

Jun 19, 2007
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Hi everyone

I would like to create a custom form which enables the user to enter several information such as his first name, hist last name, his operating system etc..

Then, by cliking on "Post", it would send his request to a public folder where someone, let's say Marc could look through his answer.

I used a post form to create my custom form. The problem is I can t seem to find how to allow Marc to see all the information the user entered: all Marc sees is what has been entered in the message field, initially in the basic post form. Concerning all the others textfields I created, Marc can't see what the user has entered.

Does anyone have a clue how to fix the problem ?

Thanks in advance :)
I tried to copy/paste the message field, the only would that seemed to work, but now I have an error message :

"This form has more than one Message or Notes control. If more than one control is visible at run time, only one control works. This form has more than one Message or Notes control. If more than one control is visible at run time, only one control works. "

So basically, it works, but I have this error message for every message field created, and would be better if I hadn't :)