Creating a custom logo inside Internet Explorer 6.



created custom logo resizing it to 38 x 38 and saving it has a 256 color bitmap. When I go into the Group Policy to choose the saved bitmap I made I get a message "You have selected to customize a setting but provided no value. The behavior of this will be to delete the setting. Are you sure you want to continue? with a Yes and No option. If I hit yes the graphic doesn't appear, if I hit No the graphic doesn't appear logically. What can I do to get my custom logo in IE6? What am I doing wrong?


download iconart v2.0 program

-----Original Message-----
created custom logo resizing it to 38 x 38 and saving
it has a 256 color bitmap. When I go into the Group
Policy to choose the saved bitmap I made I get a
message "You have selected to customize a setting but
provided no value. The behavior of this will be to
delete the setting. Are you sure you want to continue?
with a Yes and No option. If I hit yes the graphic
doesn't appear, if I hit No the graphic doesn't appear
logically. What can I do to get my custom logo in IE6?
What am I doing wrong?


This program won't work because Windows is only asking for bitmaps. It won't accept icons or cursors in the policy.

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