First of all grab yourself a real calculator and think
about what physical attributes a calculator posseses (i.e
a display and some buttons) then build your interface
based on the object your holding in your hands using VB's
controls to simulate the display and buttons.
Then just start to play about with the calculator to
discover exactly what happens when you interact with the
interface this will start to make you think about the
calculators logic (which isn't quite as simple as it
first appears to do it properly)
after that I would first tackle the problem of getting
the numbers to display correctly when you press the
corrosponding command buttons in your application
The next things you have to think about is storing the
values to be calculated, determining whether or not the
next digit pressed should be the first in the new string
(i.e after an operator button has been pressed *,+,-,\)
and also determining the operator which has been selected
then it's simply a matter of performing the calculation
on the stored values and displaying the result
after you've got to that stage the rest you will find
easy (just adding in the additional functionality such as
memory functions (more storage and retrieval from
variables) and thing's like percentage (y * 0.01) square
root & power (system.math)
I built one of these a few months back and could give the
code but hey who am I to spoil your fun
Good luck
Regards Steve