I found this code on Microsoft.com. It is used to add a
new user to a database, assign that person to a workgroup,
assign a PID, and establish a password. It works, but I
need to be able to assign each user to 2 groups - Users
and (Staff17, Mngr18, StfAdmin19, or DbAdmin20).
If the new user is assigned to Mngr18 only, he/she cannot
open the database. If the new user is assigned to Users
only, he/she does not have access to any of the database
objects I created.
Can someone help me?
Thank you!
Function CUser(UName As String, upin As String, upwd As
String, gname As String)
Dim u As User, w As Workspace, g As Group
Set w = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set u = w.CreateUser(UName, upin, upwd)
w.Users.Append u
Set g = w.Groups(gname)
Set u = g.CreateUser(UName)
End Function
I found this code on Microsoft.com. It is used to add a
new user to a database, assign that person to a workgroup,
assign a PID, and establish a password. It works, but I
need to be able to assign each user to 2 groups - Users
and (Staff17, Mngr18, StfAdmin19, or DbAdmin20).
If the new user is assigned to Mngr18 only, he/she cannot
open the database. If the new user is assigned to Users
only, he/she does not have access to any of the database
objects I created.
Can someone help me?
Thank you!
Function CUser(UName As String, upin As String, upwd As
String, gname As String)
Dim u As User, w As Workspace, g As Group
Set w = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set u = w.CreateUser(UName, upin, upwd)
w.Users.Append u
Set g = w.Groups(gname)
Set u = g.CreateUser(UName)
End Function