It was recomended to me to use the CreateTableFromRecordset in order to get
the line items on the subreport when they export to Word in a table instead
of the tab format in which they get exported right now. I saw some code for
this by searching the groups in google but am unsure where to put the code.
Where do I insert this code.... how do I use it? Here is the code that I
Function CreateTableFromRecordset( _
rngAny As Word.Range, _
rstAny As ADODB.Recordset, _
Optional fIncludeFieldNames As Boolean = False) _
As Word.Table
' From Access 2000 Developer's Handbook, Volume I
' by Getz, Litwin, and Gilbert. (Sybex)
' Copyright 1999. All Rights Reserved.
Dim objTable As Word.Table
Dim fldAny As ADODB.Field
Dim varData As Variant
Dim strBookmark As String
Dim cfield As Long
' Get the data from the recordset
varData = rstAny.GetString()
' Create the table
With rngAny
' Creating the basic table is easy,
' just insert the tab-delimted text
' add convert it to a table
..InsertAfter varData
Set objTable = .ConvertToTable()
' Field names are more work since
' you must do them one at a time
If fIncludeFieldNames Then
With objTable
' Add a new row on top and make it a heading
..Rows.Add(.Rows(1)).HeadingFormat = True
' Iterate through the fields and add their
' names to the heading row
For Each fldAny In rstAny.Fields
cfield = cfield + 1
..Cell(1, cfield).Range.text = fldAny.Name
End With
End If
End With
Set CreateTableFromRecordset = objTable
End Function
Where do I insert this code? The fields that I will be using are: [Line
Item], [Quantity], [ItemCode], [Description], (below description on a
separate row would be [ItemComment]), [DUP], [Extension], and on the last
row would be =Sum([Extension].
Item Qty Product # Description
Unit Price Extension
1 37 965-225420-100 IR-522 Infrared Combustible
Hydrocarbon $971.25 $35,936.25
Sensor Assembly
with Splashguard
Net Total: $35,936.25
Can anyone help this beginner....
the line items on the subreport when they export to Word in a table instead
of the tab format in which they get exported right now. I saw some code for
this by searching the groups in google but am unsure where to put the code.
Where do I insert this code.... how do I use it? Here is the code that I
Function CreateTableFromRecordset( _
rngAny As Word.Range, _
rstAny As ADODB.Recordset, _
Optional fIncludeFieldNames As Boolean = False) _
As Word.Table
' From Access 2000 Developer's Handbook, Volume I
' by Getz, Litwin, and Gilbert. (Sybex)
' Copyright 1999. All Rights Reserved.
Dim objTable As Word.Table
Dim fldAny As ADODB.Field
Dim varData As Variant
Dim strBookmark As String
Dim cfield As Long
' Get the data from the recordset
varData = rstAny.GetString()
' Create the table
With rngAny
' Creating the basic table is easy,
' just insert the tab-delimted text
' add convert it to a table
..InsertAfter varData
Set objTable = .ConvertToTable()
' Field names are more work since
' you must do them one at a time
If fIncludeFieldNames Then
With objTable
' Add a new row on top and make it a heading
..Rows.Add(.Rows(1)).HeadingFormat = True
' Iterate through the fields and add their
' names to the heading row
For Each fldAny In rstAny.Fields
cfield = cfield + 1
..Cell(1, cfield).Range.text = fldAny.Name
End With
End If
End With
Set CreateTableFromRecordset = objTable
End Function
Where do I insert this code? The fields that I will be using are: [Line
Item], [Quantity], [ItemCode], [Description], (below description on a
separate row would be [ItemComment]), [DUP], [Extension], and on the last
row would be =Sum([Extension].
Item Qty Product # Description
Unit Price Extension
1 37 965-225420-100 IR-522 Infrared Combustible
Hydrocarbon $971.25 $35,936.25
Sensor Assembly
with Splashguard
Net Total: $35,936.25
Can anyone help this beginner....