CreateMHTMLBody Interface not supported.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Von Shean
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Von Shean

I use the following code to save pages as MHT

1 CDO.Message message = new CDO.MessageClass();
2 message.CreateMHTMLBody("", 0, "", "");

3 ADODB.Stream stream = message.GetStream();
4 stream.SaveToFile("fanms.mht",

On line i get a runtime error 'System.InvalidCastException: No such
interface supported'

Any Ideas?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are creating a new
MessageClass instance and trying to set it into a Message variable.

Try something like: CDO.MessageClass message = new CDO.MessageClass();
Since this compiles nicely and errors at runtime.. i guess some problem is
there with registering the components..
This code used to work long ago. I used to have office 2002 on my win2k sp3
but now i have office 2003 on win2k sp4.

does this give any hints...