Hi see below
Dim AppWord As New Word.Application
AppWord.Documents.Add "\\server\db_files\Templates\~BQPO.dot"
With AppWord
..ActiveDocument.ShowSpellingErrors = False
..Selection.GoTo wdGoToBookmark, Name:="bmkDesc"
If IsNull(Me!subformPurchaseDetail!Description) Then
..Selection.TypeText ""
..Selection.TypeText Me!subformPurchaseDetail!Description
End If
AppWord.Visible = True
End With
I am using this code to create a word document from the field data of an
access form using bookmarks in a word template. The form contains one record
from the purchase table however the purchase detail subform can have several
records from the purchase details table. This code will only show the first
entry of the descrition field in this subform in the word document. This
there any easy way of modifying the code so that it picks up the other
description entries. Hope this makes sense.
Dim AppWord As New Word.Application
AppWord.Documents.Add "\\server\db_files\Templates\~BQPO.dot"
With AppWord
..ActiveDocument.ShowSpellingErrors = False
..Selection.GoTo wdGoToBookmark, Name:="bmkDesc"
If IsNull(Me!subformPurchaseDetail!Description) Then
..Selection.TypeText ""
..Selection.TypeText Me!subformPurchaseDetail!Description
End If
AppWord.Visible = True
End With
I am using this code to create a word document from the field data of an
access form using bookmarks in a word template. The form contains one record
from the purchase table however the purchase detail subform can have several
records from the purchase details table. This code will only show the first
entry of the descrition field in this subform in the word document. This
there any easy way of modifying the code so that it picks up the other
description entries. Hope this makes sense.