Temporary "merge" would be to use a UNION query to combine the two tables into
one. Union queries can only be built in SQL view. IF table1 and table2 have
the same exact structure. It would be as simple as
FROM [Table1]
FROM [Table2]
If you want to permanently merge the records into one table then you can
choose one table as the master table and use an append query to add all the
records from one table into the other table.
== Open a new query
== Select Table2
== Select all the fields in table2 and put them in the grid
== Select Query: Append from the menu
== Select table1 as the destination table
== In the new row (Append To
select the field in table1 that should be the
data for the field in table2
If you want to join records in table1 to records in table2 then you are not
merging the records. You are joining them together in one common row based on
some field or fields shared between the two tables.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Looking at a job that requires the answer to this question. I took a datadase
class that utilized Access 2002 years ago so I'm not up to speed. If you
could walk me through it baby steps I would be most gratefull.