Create shortcut in Quick Launch toolbar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Dankert
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Bob Dankert

Is there a way to have my .NET installer create a shortcut to my application
in the Quick Launch toolbar? I would like to have a method that works with
pretty much all dotnet operating systems.


Bob Dankert

(This post is also posted in microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.setup,
reposted here as I do not beleive that newsgroup is msdn managed)
Hi Bob!

Is there a way to have my .NET installer create a shortcut to my
in the Quick Launch toolbar? I would like to have a method that works
pretty much all dotnet operating systems.

First you have to read this:

If you still want to use the feature then you can create a link using
COM/Interop and "Windows Script Host Object Model":

Dim wshShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_Class
wshShell = New IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_Class
Dim shortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut_Class
shortcut = CType(wshShell.CreateShortcut("c:\test.lnk"), _
shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\irgendeinedatei.txt"

See documentation:

Another 2 ways to create links:

Then have to retrieve the user's Application Data folder (using
Environment.GetFolderPath(), append "Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick
Launch" to the path and create a shortcut to your application there.


Arne Janning
Thanks a lot for the reply. I have previously read that article.
Unfortunately, this program is a custom program we are designing for another
company, and they insist it go in the quick launch tray.

Thanks for the help!

Hi Bob,

Do you still have any concern about the issue? Please feel free to post
Based on Arne's suggestion, if we add the shortcut file into the folder
below, it will apprear in the quick launch bar.

Then have to retrieve the user's Application Data folder (using
Environment.GetFolderPath(), append "Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick
Launch" to the path and create a shortcut to your application there.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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I'm sorry, I did not clarify that I did resolve the issue with the help of
these posts. Thanks a lot for all of the help!

Bob Dankert