Create scroll down text box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron
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For a self-paced PowerPoint project that I am making, is there a way to
insert a text box that would allow the end-user to use a vertical scroll
down bar to read additional text about a slide's particular subject? I
don't want to put very small font for the amount of text that the end-user
needs to know about a particular slide's subject. Thanks.

Maybe this will help:
View - Toolbars - Control Toolbox - click on Text box button. Drag with
your mouse the size box you want.
Click on the properties button, click on Multi Line and choose true.
Click on EnterKey behaviour, change to true.
Click on Scrollbars and change accordingly, if you want both horizontal and
vertical scrollbars choose 3.
Close the properties window.
Start your show click in the textbox and type or even paste your text in. In
the text exceeds the hight you have put in scrollbars will appear.
Now save your presentation.
A control text box will do this.

If the control toolbor is not visible - view >toolbars>control toolbox
Insert a control textbox (looks like ab) and size to preference
Right click >properties
Set enterkey behaviour and multiline to true and set font and colours as you
Set scrollbars to 2-fmscrollbarsvertical
Easiest way to add text is by running the presentation and typing straight
in (this is a useful feature of control textboxes!)

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist
Thanks for the tip! Sounds great. I will have to give it a try, and I'll
let you know. Glen, it looks as though your posting through the link would
be for adding text while viewing a slideshow, whereas I am looking for a
means to add text to my project that the end-user in the final packaging can
view in each slide....and there may be ample text that would fill beyond the
size of a texbox, which is why I was asking about the vertical scrollbar
just as we are used to using in e-mails, etc.

As I mentioned earlier a feature of control text boxes is that text can be
added during a show BUT you dont have too and you can prevent changes by
setting locked = true in properties once you have added your text. --

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist