Zac said:
I have a query which has the following data:
Symbol Days Price
A 15 5
B 15 10
C 45 20
I have a function which multiplies days*price. What I would like to do is
create a query which will take the amount of days and go through a
sequential subtraction iteration on days (until zero) and show the results
in a query.
A 15 5 75
A 14 5 70
A 13 5 65
B 15 10 150
B 14 10 140
C 1 20 20
Hi Zac,
This sounds like an "enumeration" problem.
You need a number table with one PK field
that goes from 0 to largest Days you expect.
Michel calls this the "Iotas" table (field = "Iota", type Long)
It is easy to build (example for 0 to 999):
-Make a table "Ds" with one field "D", type Long.
-Bring this table into a new query 3 times.
-In field row in your query grid, type
-Change to an append query and tell append to Iotas
- This is what the SQL will look like:
INSERT INTO Iotas ( Iota )
SELECT Ds.D+Ds_1.D*10+Ds_2.D*100 AS Expr1
FROM Ds, Ds AS Ds_1, Ds AS Ds_2;
You should end up with table "Iotas" having
one field "Iota" with records going from 0 to 999.
Now (if I understood correctly), the following
query will give the result I believe you wanted
(replace "YourQuery" with name of your query):
Q.Symbol, Iotas.Iota AS EnumDays,
[Price]*[Iota] AS EnumPrice
FROM YourQuery AS Q, Iotas
WHERE (((Iotas.Iota)>0) AND ((Q.Days)>=[Iotas].[Iota]))
ORDER BY Q.Symbol, Iotas.Iota DESC;
Your sample data would produce:
Symbol EnumDays Price EnumPrice
A 15 5 75
A 14 5 70
A 13 5 65
A 12 5 60
A 11 5 55
A 10 5 50
A 9 5 45
A 8 5 40
A 7 5 35
A 6 5 30
A 5 5 25
A 4 5 20
A 3 5 15
A 2 5 10
A 1 5 5
B 15 10 150
B 14 10 140
B 13 10 130
B 12 10 120
B 11 10 110
B 10 10 100
B 9 10 90
B 8 10 80
B 7 10 70
B 6 10 60
B 5 10 50
B 4 10 40
B 3 10 30
B 2 10 20
B 1 10 10
C 45 20 900
C 44 20 880
C 43 20 860
C 42 20 840
C 41 20 820
C 40 20 800
C 39 20 780
C 38 20 760
C 37 20 740
C 36 20 720
C 35 20 700
C 34 20 680
C 33 20 660
C 32 20 640
C 31 20 620
C 30 20 600
C 29 20 580
C 28 20 560
C 27 20 540
C 26 20 520
C 25 20 500
C 24 20 480
C 23 20 460
C 22 20 440
C 21 20 420
C 20 20 400
C 19 20 380
C 18 20 360
C 17 20 340
C 16 20 320
C 15 20 300
C 14 20 280
C 13 20 260
C 12 20 240
C 11 20 220
C 10 20 200
C 9 20 180
C 8 20 160
C 7 20 140
C 6 20 120
C 5 20 100
C 4 20 80
C 3 20 60
C 2 20 40
C 1 20 20
Please respond back if I was not clear about something.
Good luck,
Gary Walter