create profile autometically in the server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fahima Khanam
  • Start date Start date

Fahima Khanam

I am fahima Khanam from BRAC University, a prominent
university in Bangladesh. We have a Windows 2000 domain
controller and an aditional domain controller. Aditional
domain controller where reside lots share folders use for
saving files and folders of students and teachers.

For 3 months i found that lots of profile have been
created in C:\Documents and settiongs which are actually
students and teachers name. However they never ever logg
in to the server locally . For these reason local disk
space reduced and suddenly the server crushed on 31st Dec
03. I reinstall and reconfigure the server in a new hard
disk. But still the profile is creating. i could not find
out any reason why they are created autometically in the
server though we don't have any romain profile as well.

If any one can, Please send me a reply.

Fahima Khaanm.
The profiles in folder "Document and setting" are created
only when a user logon locally. Therefore on that server
the people logon locally.