I need some way to create a mail from a macro. Or rather, i want to
create a plain-tex mail, with a given "to" adress, a set subject, and
then five lines of text in the body. We are using word as our editor
(can not be changed, so i guess i cant use aoutllok templates).
How the heck do i do this in a quick and easy way? Oh, and the
resulting macro or whathaveyou must be easily acessed by our entire
outlook-using organisation.
create a plain-tex mail, with a given "to" adress, a set subject, and
then five lines of text in the body. We are using word as our editor
(can not be changed, so i guess i cant use aoutllok templates).
How the heck do i do this in a quick and easy way? Oh, and the
resulting macro or whathaveyou must be easily acessed by our entire
outlook-using organisation.