Not necessarily, you just have to understand what you're doing. See
Optimizing Microsoft Office Access Applications Linked to SQL Server It gives you
the lowdown on how to use Jet efficiently, which is basically the same
rule of thumb as for any client-server application -- fetch only
needed data; don't "link" to the whole megilla. Used correctly, Jet
gives you a lot of flexibility (basically you can use it to cache data
on the client machine, much the same way you'd use a DataSet, except
with a decent query engine and the ability to persist it, if desired).
Stephen Forte and I are co-presenting a session at TechEd this year,
DAT312, "Solve Problems without Spending Money: Access and SQL Server"
in which we'll cover using Access as a front-end to SQL Server data to
solve various business problems when there isn't a need (or there
aren't the resources) to develop a full-fledged .NET app. See for details.