Do you really need to split your table into a bunch of worksheets, or is it
p.e. for printing/reporting only? When last is the case, then create a
report sheet, where you can select some key (or row number) value from
source table, and all data from apropriate row are automatically displayed
on report sheet.
An example:
You have table on sheet Source (1st row are headers)
Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, ...
On report sheet, you enter into A1 the text "Row:", and into B1 some number
Into cell on report sheet, where you want value from matching row in column
A, enter the formula:
Into cell on report sheet, where you want value from matching row in column
B, enter the formula:
Into cell on report sheet, where you want value from matching row in column
C, enter the formula:
When you have some key value to search for, use MATCH($B$1,Source!Datarange)
function to estimate the index of searched row in your datarange, and in
formulas above replace $B$1 with it.
Arvi Laanemets