Harold Druss
I have never used the Outlook object model with VB6 before, so excuse my
ignorance. I'm trying to create a new email, insert the HTML file into the
body of the email and put it in the outbox for sending later.
Here is part of the code.
Dim ff As Long
ff = FreeFile
strFile = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Open strFile For Input As #ff
strHTML = Input(LOF(ff), #ff)
Close #ff
Debug.Print strHTML
strSubject = "Summer Twi"
strRecip = "(e-mail address removed)"
strMsg = "The Summer Twi Information"
If GetOutlook = True Then
Set mItem = mOutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mItem.Recipients.Add strRecip
mItem.Subject = strSubject
mItem.HTMLBody = strHTML
End If
The email is in the outbox, but no html in the body.
Thank you
I have never used the Outlook object model with VB6 before, so excuse my
ignorance. I'm trying to create a new email, insert the HTML file into the
body of the email and put it in the outbox for sending later.
Here is part of the code.
Dim ff As Long
ff = FreeFile
strFile = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Open strFile For Input As #ff
strHTML = Input(LOF(ff), #ff)
Close #ff
Debug.Print strHTML
strSubject = "Summer Twi"
strRecip = "(e-mail address removed)"
strMsg = "The Summer Twi Information"
If GetOutlook = True Then
Set mItem = mOutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mItem.Recipients.Add strRecip
mItem.Subject = strSubject
mItem.HTMLBody = strHTML
End If
The email is in the outbox, but no html in the body.
Thank you