Caleb Mochari
Several years ago I received a tip on how to create a button that
would email a certain person. It went into the Standard email bar.
Unfortunately that .pst went with a hard drive that stopped working
one night about two years ago. I think I read it in a daily tip from
C-Net/Dummies or something like that. I cannot locate it, nor
replicate it. Basically it was like the "New" button, but it was to a
specific person. It could be a single button, or have a drop-down for
different addresses. If anyone knows what I am referring to, please
reply with location of the steps or paste the six to ten steps
would email a certain person. It went into the Standard email bar.
Unfortunately that .pst went with a hard drive that stopped working
one night about two years ago. I think I read it in a daily tip from
C-Net/Dummies or something like that. I cannot locate it, nor
replicate it. Basically it was like the "New" button, but it was to a
specific person. It could be a single button, or have a drop-down for
different addresses. If anyone knows what I am referring to, please
reply with location of the steps or paste the six to ten steps